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Would I Know I'm With a Narcissist?

Are you dating or married to a narcissist? Is your mother or father? Boss?

Often undetected, the narcissist will degrade others and use them as a scapegoat for the narcissist’s own dysfunctional feelings. 


Those who care for the narcissist are often empathic and tend to internalize feelings and accept blame, all while the narcissist portrays themselves as the victim.


Consider the cycle illustrated below which is the basis of some of our discussion in our newest 6-week group starting in 2025. 


To get started, complete the form to the right or contact me for more information.


The current group is FULL but join our waiting list or 
inquire about other group offerings.

A 15-minute virtual pre-screening meeting is required prior to registering for the group. This is a chance for us to meet, explain expectations and answer any questions. Please complete the fields below to get started.

Yes, I am interested


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